
Table of Contents

1 Setup

key value
:flop 2h2d2c
:turn 2s
:river 3s
:range-sb {QsQd, AhKh}
:range-bb {JsJd}
:algorithm 2
:abstraction 0

Scenario looks like this:

{:river #card 3s,
 :turn #card 2s,
 :flop #card-seq 2h2d2c,
 :algorithm 2,
 :abstraction 0,
 {:player 1,
  :street 3,
  :history [:check],
  :actions {},
  :bets 0,
  :commited [250 250],
  :prev-action :check},
 {:bb 20,
  :to-act 0,
  :stack 1000,
  :board "2h2d2c2s3s",
  :pot 100,
  :max-bets 3,
  :actions [[1/2 3/4 1 :all-in] [1/2 1 :all-in]]},
 :range-sb #range {QsQd, AhKh},
 :range-bb #range {JsJd}}

Saving the graph of the game-tree as tree-graph.png:


2 Running stuff

2.1 Calling lsg/create-scenario! with the following args:

algorithm *nodes numnodes abstraction flop1 flop2 flop3 turn river *p0 *p1
2 native@0x7fd… 17 0 26 13 0 39 40 native@0x7fd23025ac00 native@0x7fd230050600

Initialized game with 1 verbosity

2.1.1 subgame:create_scenario

alg: 2, abstraction 0, numnodes: 17

2.1.2 subgame:create_scenario

flop1: 512, flop2: 2049017400, flop3: 467108212, turn: 64, river 236264704

2.1.3 subgame:nodes:

Index Type Parent Player Street Value
0 0 -1 1 3 0
1 1 0 -1 3 500
2 0 0 0 3 0
3 2 2 1 3 250
4 1 2 -1 3 1000
5 0 2 1 3 0
6 2 5 0 3 500
7 1 5 -1 3 2000
8 0 0 0 3 0
9 2 8 1 3 250
10 1 8 -1 3 1250
11 0 8 1 3 0
12 2 11 0 3 625
13 1 11 -1 3 2000
14 0 0 0 3 0
15 2 14 1 3 250
16 1 14 -1 3 2000

2.1.4 subgame:create_scenario

p0 is at 0x7fd230068000 and contains:

Index Value
740 1.000000
1199 1.000000

2.1.5 subgame:create_scenario

p1 is at 0x7fd2301d6a00 and contains:

Index Value
1150 1.000000

flop 2c 2d 2h turn 2s river 3s probs: bb 0.15%, sb 0.08%, sb|bb 0.23% Subprocess failed

2.2 Running start!


2.3 Running stop!


2.4 Getting scenario info…

#+BEGINSRC clojure {:infoset-action-counts (0 33633715056 0 33633708416), :data-sizes (0 33633708416 0 33634230344)} #+ENDSRC clojure

2.5 Attemptint to get average action probabilities:

Author: Olli Piepponen

Created: 2014-08-29 Fri 17:34

Emacs 24.3.3 (Org mode 8.2.5c)
